Saturday, December 12, 2009

What scientists do every day is solving problems

Today Mr. Lv talked with me, and to his disappointment I think, I did not prepare well for the talk. What is worse is that he thought I was kind of bad in manipulative ability. Then he began saying his thinking on scientific research career. He was a guy always wanna know the mechanism under stuffs all the way from a boy. That is why he chose to be major in physics and finally made his way into this career. He said that scientific research is bound of trouble shooting work, and this ability is quite necessary for the young to achieve via study.

So, in response to what he taught me, I began to be stick to some trouble and don't let it pass at ease. I spent several hours re-install the share printer onto my PC. This is really an annoying work, for I have to type something to try whether the previous job works. So, I nearly typed every paper that of at least little use of me to test the typewriter. To be short, it turns out that it is because my OS is too new and the HP has not prepared some specific drivers for my OS. I have to use someone HP advices me to try, and among the three possible ones, only until I tried the 3rd one did I know which one is the right one.

But anyway, this is a process I tasted what trial-error is, and what scientific jobs are like.

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